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Balancing Writing with Everyday Life

I’ve been writing and self-publishing books for over thirty years. This is the second post in my “writing pearls of wisdom” series. I’m excited to share how I’m balancing my writing with everyday life.

Writing can be a fulfilling and rewarding activity. It can also be challenging when it comes to balancing the many other responsibilities in your life. Whether you are a professional writer or a hobbyist, it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to write while also managing work, family, and other commitments.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Set Realistic Goals

One of the most important things you can do is to set realistic goals for your writing. This means taking a realistic look at how much time you have available for writing each day or week, and then setting a goal you can realistically achieve.

For example, if you only have an hour or two each day to write, it would most likely be unrealistic to set a goal of writing an 80,000 word novel in a month. Instead, set a goal that is achievable in the time you have available, such as writing a chapter or two each week.

2. Prioritize Your Time

Prioritizing time means making writing as important as your other commitments, such as work and family. It may mean making sacrifices in other areas of your life, such as cutting back on TV or social media time. It also means being intentional about how you use your time.

3. Create a Writing Schedule

Creating a writing schedule can also be a helpful tool for balancing writing with everything else going on in your life. This means setting aside dedicated time each day or week for writing. It could be an hour each day before work, or a few hours on a weekend afternoon.

The key is to create a consistent schedule that you can stick to. This will help create a writing habit and ensure that you’re making progress towards your writing goals.

4. Be Flexible

While it’s important to have a writing schedule and stick to it as much as possible, it’s also important to be flexible. There will be times when life happens, and you won’t be able to stick to a schedule. It’s important to be kind to yourself and recognize that it’s okay to miss a writing session or two. Don’t beat yourself up and don’t let it derail your progress. Just get back on track as soon as you can.

5. Join a Writing Group

Writing groups provide accountability and support, as well as opportunities for feedback. They can also help you stay motivated and inspired by connecting you with other writers who share your passion. There are many online writing groups, as well as local groups, that meet in person. Find one that works for you and make it a regular part of your writing routine.

Balancing writing with your everyday life can be challenging, but not impossible. Finding the balance that works for you will make it easier to pursue your writing goals while maintaining a fulfilling life.

Please remember, writing is a journey, and it’s important to appreciate and enjoy the process along the way.

Happy writing!!!

Balancing Writing with Everyday Life

Amazon bestselling author Sharon Michaels loves writing cozy mysteries filled with suspense, mature characters, smart animals, a bit of paranormal and, later in life romance. Her short reads are sweet, clean, and fun.

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