Are you ready for the New Year?
When I think back on 2019, it is like a blur. Honestly, where has this year gone?
* My husband and I have stayed happy and healthy – that’s a blessing.
* I’ve been writing consistently and loving it – that’s a blessing.
* I’m coaching women entrepreneurs and they are making their goals reality – that’s a blessing.
All and all it has been a great year!
Toward the end of October I challenged myself to write and publish one new short read book a week during November and December.
1. To hone my writing and publishing skills.
2. More exposure on Amazon.
3. More sales.
4. Create the discipline of writing 500 -1,000 words daily.
5. I like a good challenge.
I’m not sure I want to be under that much pressure again. Starting in January my goal is to write and publish two new short read books a month.
I did learn several lessons during this two month challenge:
• I can write a book a week!
• I have to be extremely focused.
• I need specific time dedicated to writing and not try to squeeze my writing in between other things.
• It takes discipline and consistency to write, edit, format and publish a quality product in a short amount of time.
• Something had to give – like dusting, homemade cookies, etc.
• I loved the feeling of self-satisfaction when I saw the finished product up on Amazon.
• Yes, sales and reviews did go up because my name appeared more often on Amazon sale pages.
• I’m taking myself more seriously as an author of fiction.
• My writing improves the more I write and hone my craft!
Have you made time to look at the lessons you’ve learned this past year? I believe it is well worth your time.
Here’s to your healthy, happy 2020!
Thank you for reading this blog post,

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