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Reading, Writing and Creating

The last couple of months we’ve been battling the flu and colds around our house. My writing has taken a hit, but last week I started creating a new story with the Short Story Challenge. (https://www.facebook.com/groupsshortstorychallengepublishinmarch/) The goal is to finish and publish our stories before March 31st.

In November I signed up for Kindle Unlimited on a special offer – 3 months for 99 cents. I read over 100 books during those three months. Yep, that’s a lot of reading! My husband and I decided to eliminate TV for our lives so we’ve been reading instead.

During all that reading I started to analyze what I liked about the stories and what I didn’t. I thought about what attracted me to certain characters and why other characters were forgettable. I took lots of notes as I read. I’d say all this reading helped me hone and fine tune my own writing skills.
I didn’t renew my Kindle Unlimited – These next months I’m focusing on writing new books and marketing the books I’ve already written. Here’s a link to my Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Sharon-Michaels/e/B001K7V2K4

BUT if you read several books a month – here’s a link to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited site – it is $9.99 a month and offers a large variety of reading materials – including magazines and audio. https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/hz/signup?

sharon on forbes
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